giovedì 19 gennaio 2012

The roots of a idea shared

L'intervista al "Fidesz" in lingua inglese:

The news reports from around the world have cast a shadow over Hungary, by accusing Fidesz and the Obran government, of having imposed a dictatorship to the Magyar people. How do you respond to these accusations? 
Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said: "On the subject of rights, the constitution enshrines in full the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It therefore declares the inviolability of human dignity, the right to freedom, the security of the person and the protection of private property. "

The same media who accuse you of extreme authority, focused on your methods of communication. You have been accused of wanting to tape journalism through laws that censor the information. What did really happen?

Hungary’s new media law conforms to European Union guidelines, head of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) Annamaria Szalai told a conference organised by the association of Electronic Electronic Press Association in Budapest. On the subject of the law’s much-criticised provisions concerning possible sanctions against media providers, Szalai
said that the goal was “prevention rather than punishment” and that the courts would apply the principles of “gradualness, equal treatment and proportionate penalties” for broadcasters.

What are the actions you are carrying forward to get out of the crises?
Among the achievements of the past 18 months of his government, PM Orban mentioned Hungary’s decreasing state debt, a positive fiscal balance, and that paramilitary organisation threatening ethnic minorities had been dissolved. The government’s structural reforms involved changes to the governmental, administrative and municipal system, the judiciary, education, taxation, pensions, as well as social services and national health care. “We have reorganised all systems that used to increase the national debt,” By June 2012 the changes implemented under the Fidesz government will have been completed in Hungary, after which a calmer period will ensue, the parliamentary group leader János Lázár said.

In Italy, at our concerts, we sing with a particular passion “Avanti Ragazzi di Buda”, song that talks about the revolt of 1956. How important are these events in the history of Hungary and in your daily political militancy?
THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF HUNGARY (25 April 2011) says: "We agree with the
members of the first free Parliament, which proclaimed as its first decision that our current liberty was born of our 1956 Revolution. "

What do you think about the EU and what is your idea of Europe?
It is in Hungary’s interest that the European Union should be strong and united and that the euro zone should emerge from its crisis as quickly as possible, said Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi. The Hungarian government is prepared to hold talks on any issue but does not accept anyone questioning its commitment to democracy, Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi said. “We ask all our neighbours to get used to the idea that there is no individual identity without communal identity. If they understand this, they will better understand the European identity, too,” he said.

The Hungarian constitution, through a recent reform approved at the Parliament, underlines the principles that guide the Magyar people. It talks about God and Homeland, as essential concepts to look up to. Why was there the necessity to underline these issues?
Hungary’s basic law defines fundamental rights of freedom, and reinforces constitutional and democratic values in the spirit of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, President Pál Schmitt said--in his address to the audience of a gala performance in Budapest’s Opera House to celebrate the new constitution--, and referred to the family, public order, the home,
labour and health as its most important common values.

How important are roots and traditions in your vision of politics?
Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said: The new constitution has great symbolic and practical significance. It provides a foundation for the spiritual and intellectual renewal of Hungary. It reflects the past, present and future of the nation, and the fundamental values of the Hungarian people.


L'intervista al Front National in lingua originale

1.    Comment le Front National de la Jeunesse aborde cette période de crise politique? Quelles sont ses dernières batailles?

Nous voyons dans cette crise mondiale la révélation que ce système de l’argent-roi et de mondialisme effréné n’est pas viable. Nous pensons que nous devons être désormais à la hauteur pour proposer un projet alternatif aux Français, car il ne faudra pas gâcher la crise en passant à côté. Nous nous battons régulièrement pour convaincre les Français, en multipliant les actions symboliques (comme jouer au poker devant les banques), en produisant des visuels, des affiches et des tracts pertinents, en essayant de provoquer le débat dès que nous le pouvons, car nous sommes les meilleurs dans ce domaine-là.

2. L'Union européenne, il y a plusieurs années, a décidé de ne pas inclure dans la constitution une étape importante sur les racines chrétiennes. Vous, qui considérez Jeanne d'Arc comme un héros national, comment jugez ce choix d'effacer  un morceau de notre histoire si importante?

Pierre Manent a écrit : « à chaque fois  que l’on mentionne l’Europe, c’est pour l’annuler », ce qui signifie que l’Europe d’aujourd’hui nie en réalité tout ce qu’est véritablement l’Europe. L’Union Européenne est comme un casque inconfortable, pesant et grossier, posé sur la vraie Europe, celle de la civilisation helléno-chrétienne, celle des Nations. Je dis toujours que je suis plus européen que les européistes de Bruxelles, car eux créent de toute pièce une Europe artificielle, alors que moi j’aime l’Europe qui existe, celle dont nous avons hérité.

3. Quelle est l'importance des racines et des traditions dans votre vision de la politique?

Pour nous, les racines constituent notre identité, donc notre personnalité et notre caractère. Sans elles, les hommes sont des insectes qui virevoltent dans le vide, sans force et sans âme. Les traditions quant à elles sont un terreau de sagesse accumulé depuis des siècles, et vouloir les détruire par la politique de la table rase, comme l’ont fait à l’époque les socialistes et les communistes, et comme le font les libéraux d’aujourd’hui, est une pure folie.

4. La France, plus encore que l'Italie,  a été attaquée par les medias, à cause de sa politique envers l'immigration. Comment pensez-vous que vous devez aborder le problème de l'exode des pays du tiers monde?

Je pense que nous devons l’appréhender de deux façons : sous l’angle économique et sous l’angle identitaire. D’abord, l’immigration vers l’Europe détruit à la fois deux économies : celle du pays qui accueille, car il n’en a pas les moyens, surtout dans un contexte de crise, mais aussi celle du pays d’émigration, car il se prive d’une main d’œuvre et de cerveaux dont il aurait grand besoin pour se développer. Personne n’est donc gagnant dans cette affaire. Ensuite, sous l’angle identitaire, je pense que nous risquons une subversion de notre culture et de l’essence de nos peuples, qui est à peu près la même depuis plus de mille ans. Cette disparition des peuples européens et de leur culture serait une catastrophe, car ils brillent de mille feux dans l’Histoire.

5. En Italie un gouvernement dirigé par des techniciens, qui viennent des agences de rating les plus célèbres dans le monde, a pris ses fonctions de manière très choquante. Pensez-vous qu'il s'agit d'un effort international  pour renverser les gouvernements élus par le peuple, pour établir un pouvoir de l'économie?

Ne nous leurrons pas, l’économie et la finance dirigent déjà les hommes politiques depuis bien longtemps ! Même ceux que les peuples ont élus étaient en général des pantins des grands financiers internationaux. Maintenant, le pouvoir de la banque ne prend même plus la peine de faire croire au jeu démocratique, il impose directement ses chefs d’Etat. Au moins, personne ne pourra dire qu’il n’était pas au courant.

6. Pendant des siècles,  des dizaines de clichés superficiels ont séparé le peuple italien et le peuple français: quelle est la réelle prise en compte que la France et le front national de la jeunesse ont envers l'Italie?

Pour nous, les Italiens sont des frères, comme le sont les Espagnols, des Allemands, et l’ensemble des peuples européens. Nous sommes une seule et même civilisation, et nous connaissons actuellement les mêmes difficultés : le pouvoir de l’UE, l’assujettissement au pouvoir américain et aux banques, l’immigration massive, la crise des valeurs etc. Nous pouvons et devons surmonter ces difficultés ensemble, en souhaitant chacun reprendre le pouvoir qui lui est dû, à l’échelle nationale.

7. Soit en France, soit en Italie, il y a beaucoup de différences entre le Nord et le Sud. Pensez-vous que les identités locales peuvent être des obstacles ou des atouts dans la construction d'une identité nationale?

Personnellement, je pense qu’elles peuvent être un atout, car de leur syncrétisme nait une culture particulière, avec ses traits qui lui sont propres. En France par exemple, je pense que cela enrichit notre culture que les Bretons se sentent Français et Bretons, que les Occitans se sentent Français et Occitans, etc. Du moment qu’ils prennent conscience que c’est la Nation Française qui est notre dénominateur commun à tous, alors il n’y a pas de problème. En revanche, quelqu’un qui ne souhaiterait être que Breton et pas Français, celui-là n’aurait rien compris et se condamnerait, car aujourd’hui seul l’Etat National peut protéger ses terres des crises économiques et des flux migratoires par exemple.

8. Quelle est la position du Front National de la Jeunesse  sur le travail du gouvernement Sarkozy?

Nous pensons que Sarkozy n’aime pas la France, qu’il lui préfère le modèle américain. Nicolas Sarkozy a enfumé tout le monde en faisant croire qu’il voulait protéger l’économie Française, rétablir la sécurité et réguler l’immigration, il n’en fut rien. Au contraire, sous le règne de Nicolas Sarkozy, tout s’est empiré : chômage, dette, insécurité, immigration, déculturation.

9. L'Italie, ayant choisi de ne pas avoir de centrales nucléaires, achète une grande partie de l'énergie qu'elle utilise de la France. Cela nous rend unis dans le domaine de l'énergie, mais, malgré cela la guerre en Libye et contre Kadhafi, a été entreprise, très probablement,  pour attaquer une relation énergie / économie qui a été créée entre la Libye, l'Italie et la Russie, qui a vu briser le potentat de l'Atlantique qui, jusque-là,  avait l'hégémonie sur la Méditerranée. Quelle est votre position sur la guerre en Libye et sur la question énergétique?

Nous étions contre la guerre en Libye, dont les causes semblent n’être pas très européennes et Françaises… Sur la question de l’énergie, je pense que les européens doivent s’ouvrir à l’Est en instaurant de grandes alliances avec des pays comme la Russie, qu’ils doivent s’entraider pour maitriser totalement la méditerranée, et qu’ils doivent plancher sur de nouvelles énergies, plus écologiques. Le savoir-faire de l’Europe et son inventivité pourvoiront à tout.

10. Pour terminer, si vous voudriez recommander un livre, une chanson ou un film pour les jeunes Italiens, qui choisiriez-vous ?

Je leur conseillerais évidemment toute la littérature française ! Plus sérieusement, je leur conseillerais « Le siècle de 1914 » de Dominique Venner, qui revient sur le XXème siècle et comprend tout de l’Histoire qui a déterminé le présent que nous vivons. Je leur conseille aussi de bien connaitre leur propre culture qui est sublime. L’avenir est à nous, il nous suffit d’oser ! Un de vos grands poètes disait : « memento audere semper », c’est ma devise : ça doit être la nôtre.

L'intervista in lingua inglese

First of all thank you for the quick response, as said in the previous letter it is a pleasure to confront with other young Europeans who do politics and the everyday life with militancy spirit and dedication. In the modern world  where appearing and showing richness seems to be the only reason of life, the most noble action that someone can do is to dedicate himself for a common interest, for a change in the national community and rediscover  the old values that made Europe a continent bearer of a strong tradition. Today we find ourselves in a particular situation, were history and populations seem to be oppressed by the big power of finance, where men seem to be obliged to bow down to the world of reason and the plungers. The EU, that should have represented a community of intents and traditions, seems to have regretted its own roots and their only issue is economy and the market, leaving that political role that our continent, today more than ever, should have. In this situation, young people like you and us, represent, as Tolkien said: “the wheels of the world, small hands”. Every type of activity that tends to give a wakeup call to the people from this numbness, to give back dignity and pride to the history of Europe, has to come from big generational movements, that unlike the ones of 1968, care about the destiny of their nation, believe in the family value, honor, community, beauty of giving and in the magic of life.

How does the FN deals with this current period of crises in politics? What are its latest battles?

In the current crises we see that this system of money and globalization, is not acceptable anymore. From now on we should be able to offer an alternative project to the French people, to make sure the crises does not pass us by without doing anything. We fight on a daily basis to convince everyone, and we do it through our symbolic actions (like playing poker in front of the banks), images, billboards and flyers, trying to stimulate the debate in a short amount of time, because we are able do it and we are the best in this camp.

The EU, several years ago decided to not insert in its constitution an important passage on the Christian roots. You consider Joan of Arc a national hero, so how do you see this choice of erasing an important part of our history?

Pierre Manent  wrote: “Everytime Europe is mentioned, it is to delete it”, which means that today’s Europe is denying what Europe is all about. The EU is like an uncomfortable helmet, big and heavy, on the real Europe, the one by the Hellenic-Christian civilization.  I always say that I am more European than the people that are in Brussels, because they create  from nothing, an artificial Europe, I love the Europe that we have, the one we have inherited.

How important are roots and tradition in your vision of politics?
For us, roots represent our identity, our personality and our character. Without these elements, men would be insects hovering in the air, without force and without a soul. Traditions are a source of wisdom accumulated in our history, and trying to destroy them for political interests of higher people, like socialists and communists did, is pure craziness.

France, more than Italy, has been under attack from the media for its policy regarding immigration. How, according to you, should the problem of the exodus of the countries of the third world be solved?

I think we need to solve this problem on two basis: economy and identity. Firstly, the immigration towards Europe destroys two economies: the one of the hosting country, because it does not have the tools, especially in this time of crises, but also the one for the sending country, because it is devoid of labor and favors brain drain. So nobody wins in this case.  In terms of identity, I think we risk a subversion, of our culture and of the essence of our people, which is the same from more than a thousand years.

In Italy now we have a government, guided by technicians, and they come from the most famous financial service companies. Do you believe there is an international plan to destroy the governments elected by the people to establish the power of the economy?

Let’s be honest, the economy and the finance have controlled  politicians from a long time ! The ones that people have elected are only big puppets of the international finance. For now the power of the banks, does not care about democracy, they impose the leaders of the countries. At least no one can say it was the other way around.

From many years, there are stereotypes that divide Italians and French people, what is the real 
consideration that France and also your movement has of Italy?

For us, Italians are like brothers, also like the English, the Spanish, the Germans and the other European populations. We are a one and only civilization and we are dealing with the same problems: the power of the EU, the submission to the American power and of the banks, uncontrolled immigration, crises of values, etc. We can and must defeat these problems together, hoping that each one of us can take back what we have started on a national level.

France and Italy are two countries with complicated territories, in both states there are differences between the north and the south. Do you believe that local identities can be obstacles or positive points for the construction of a national identity?

Personally, I believe it could be a positive side, because from their language, a particular culture comes up. In France, for example, I am convinced it enriches our culture, since the Breton feel themselves Breton and French, like the Occitan who feel themselves Occitan and French etc. From the moment we all realize that our French nation is the common point, there will not be problems. Plus, whoever feels Breton and not French, does not understand much and will e condemned , since today only the national state can protect its lands from the economic crises, and for example, from the migration flows.

What is the movement’s position on the Sarkozy government?

We think Sarkozy does not like France, he prefers the American model.  He made everyone believe that he wanted to protect the French economy, to aim on the security and regulate immigration, but he did not do anything. On the contrary, under his administration, everything went worse: unemployment, debt,  insecurity, immigration and the identity culture.

Italy, chose to not have nuclear plants, buys most of the energy that they use from France, so this makes us unites in the energy section but despite that, the war in Libya and against Ghedafi was undertaken to break the economic/energetic relationship that was built between Russia, Italy and Russia that saw the Atlantic power break down which until then had the hegemony on all the Mediterranean. What is your position on the war in Libya and on the energetic issue?

We were against the war in Libya, because the causes did not seem to be very European or French. On the energy issue, I believe Europe should open up to the East, establishing big alliances with countries like Russia, who need each other to run the Mediterranean, and together should focus on new energies, more ecological energies.

To finish this interview, we ask you, if you should advise a book, a song and a movie to the young Italians, what would you choose?

I would advise all the French literature! Joking apart, I would advice “Le siècle de 1914” by Dominique Venner, which rebuilds the 20th century and understands all the history that has determined the present day we live in. My advice is to know very well your own culture, it is very important. Tomorrow belongs to us, we must dare ! A great Italian poet said: “memeto audere semper”, it is my motto: it has to be ours.

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